Unstable Signal X Habeat Records at About Blank Berlin
Unstable Signal does its Berlin debut at About Blank, in collaboration with Habeat Records, aiming to showcase a diverse selection of artists on Saturday, the 2nd of March.
Unstable Signal is a new record label focused on quality Electronic music founded by Michalis Vassiliou in early 2018. The label’s vision is to support the underground music culture, through the pressing of records, as well as pushing for quality curations at the events/concerts of the label.
Habeat Records is our favourite record shop, based in the very centre of Athens – in Monastiraki; besides a great variety of new and second hand records, it provides a liveful music hub for the music heads of Athens. Unstable Signal takes over the MDF (Main Dancefloor), hosting the likes of Tensal, Celldöd, MBasix, Marc Ash and Katra.
Habeat records will be on the Lobby floor with: Identified Patient, TV.OUT, Aphelion and Devika.
Tensal(Pole Group)
Celldöd (Kess Kill)
MBasix (Unstable Signal)
Marc Ash (Blacksilk)
Katra (Pi Electronics)
Identified Patient (Pinkman)
TV.OUT (LIES Records News)
Aphelion (Equations Collective)